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Leaky Roofs and How Flat Roof Repair Companies Fix Them

November 20, 2019

As a business owner, you do everything in your power to make your company look serious, caring, and professional. Business maintenance is one way to do so, from carpet cleaning to decorating the meeting halls of your premises. However, have you considered fixing your roof recently?

Commercial buildings like offices, warehouses, and storage facilities survive through years of natural weather that slowly degrades the quality of the construction. Rain, wind, hail, and storms cause wear and tear damage that affects every roof.

Commercial roofing, in particular, serves its business for several decades. While construction companies build these types of roofs to last, even large businesses must invest in maintenance. Every business owner or manager should have a flat roof repair company on his contact list.

One of the most common issues is leaks. Left untreated, roof leaks cause seeping water to damage not only your business’s equipment but also the overall structure of your building. Leaks are normal issues that every homeowner and business owner experiences.

What Causes Flat Roof Leaks ?

If you own a commercial flat roof, you likely realize how often standing water collects when there are few opportunities to flow. This stagnation leads to absorption into the roof and thus leakage.

Exposure to sunlight and weather conditions degrade the materials used to construct the roof. The resulting cracks are another way seeping water enters your facility and causes problems.

What Can I Do to Fix Them?

We don’t recommend attempting to repair a commercial flat roof by yourself. The risks involved plus the cost of the tools and materials required is beyond the reach of general staff.

Contact a local flat roof repair company to avoid further damaging your roof or injuries related to climbing on top of your building.

What Kind of Repairs Do Different Types of Roofs Need?

  • Concrete flat roofs often need a bitumen-based paint and primer for sealing cracked portions.
  • Asphalt roofs get a patch of roofing felt to cover leaking parts.
  • Fiberglass roofs leak through joints and trims affected by expansion and contraction in the daylight sun. Repairs involve applying an acrylic sealant after cleaning with soap and water.
  • Rubberized roofs need a lap sealant to patch up small cracks and holes..

Flat Roof Repair Company | BML Roofing | Brantford – Norfolk County

Instead of placing unsightly buckets everywhere to catch leaking water, get in touch with BML Roofing, a flat roof repair company that understands your situation and knows exactly what you need.

No matter what type of flat roof your business needs to protect itself from the elements, BML has a solution that you need at a price you’ll like.

Our staff has several decades of experience going back to 1972. We specialize in commercial flat roofs and have served the Ontario area, including the Brant, Brantford, and Norfolk counties.

  • Roof leaks are a common issue for homes and businesses everywhere. The consequences of allowing seeping water to enter your business facility can be dire, so get in contact with a repair company as soon as you can.
  • Roof repair involves professional training, tools, and experience that you can only get from an accredited service provider, such as BML. We know how to fix many types of flat roofs, from fiberglass to asphalt.
  • BML Roofing is a family-run, professional service that businesses, colleges, and municipalities across Ontario have entrusted with their roofing needs. Don’t be caught during a heavy rainstorm with a leaky roof. Contact us today, whether you have a leak now or just want some general roof maintenance.

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